Sunday, December 9, 2012

It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas

It has been a while since I posted, and I am truly sorry for that! Things have gotten crazy around here from Thanksgiving, which I spent with my aunt in CT, to trying to get all the students signed up for the SEEK Conference in January. And our final weeks of pushing and asking and praying has paid off! We have around 40 students (including 3 seminarians) signed up for conference! We will be taking a bus from Seton Hall to the Swan and Dolphin Resort starting in the afternoon on the 1st of January. We have been speaking at different parishes, raising money to help pay for renting the bus, and what was said reminded me why I spent so long trying to convince those I love to give it a chance. "[SEEK 2013] will be a life changing event for students – many will go to Confession and Mass for the first time in several years, other students will discover a vocation to priesthood or religious life and many others will recommit their lives to the Catholic Faith." I am counting down the days! 

Speaking of countdowns, I get to see my sister for the first time since August in 3 days and 7 hours. Just saying.

Since yesterday was the feast of the Immaculate Conception, I went to the chapel to pray my rosary in front of Mary and wanted to share this picture with you. This is the statue of Mary at the front of our chapel. I just adore this image of her, a slight smile on her face, holding Jesus yet looking at the congregation of the faithful. A friend of mine and I have discussed our love for Mary at length. Naturally, when I saw this statue I tried to describe it to her. I probably didn't do a very good job, though, so here's the 'real' thing:

The flowers are for her feast day!

Last night the missionaries went into the City for some relaxing time. It was much needed and we all had a great time! Most of the FOCUS missionaries went as well as the missionaries from St. Paul's Outreach. With their 4 plus our 5 (one of us couldn't make it) plus one, our group got to be pretty large! We got to the City around 8 and made a beeline for the tree! It's very beautiful. Many say that they are disappointed by how small it is in real life, but it was still very impressive. 

Then we stood along the rail and watch the skaters (you would just watch too at a $45 fee to skate on such a tiny crowded rink!). It was amusing to watch a little boy skillfully darting through adults - he reminded me of my almost 10 year old cousin - and the four little girls trying to spin and the really talented skaters try not to hit the mere mortals while spinning gracefully.

Caitlyn wanted a ride!
Toward the end of the night half of the party departed and the rest of us went to Phebe's Tavern and Grill to continue with our fellowship. It was wonderful to be able to talk with the two SPO women. We have been becoming closer friends, but because all of us are busy with our own missions, we don't have much time to spend just us missionaries. I am so blessed to be serving on a campus with such amazing men and women!

Me and the SPO women