Thursday, October 18, 2012

Welcome to Fall

So it has been awhile since I posted, and for that I am sorry! So much has been going on that I can't wait to tell you about!

Two weekends ago the students at Seton Hall went on Fall break and the missionaries got to go to Pennsylvania for our regional gathering. All of the missionaries from the Northeast and Atlantic regions had about 40 hours to spend away from campus, playing and praying with fellow missionaries in the beautiful, mountainous, colorful retreat center in the woods. Because one of my teammates went to Mount St. Mary's, only a short drive from the retreat center, we were able to stop by and even see the shrine to St. Elizabeth Ann Seton! Then this past weekend, I was able to go visit my aunt who lives in CT! It was such a beautiful and relaxing drive and time with her and her husband!

For those who know my testimony, you know that the FOCUS national conference in 2010 played a big role in my conversion story. This year FOCUS is having another national conference in Orlando. We're expecting 7,000 students to descend on the Swan and Dolphin Resort for 5 days of rejuvenating and life changing experiences. Here at SHU, we are hoping to bring 100 students on 2 buses for an over 24 hour drive! The missionaries started fundraising last year and we have been able to sponsor 2 students who will be going for free. I wanted to share these two stories with you to show you how God is working here.

First, there is a girl who is currently going through RCIA and is very involved with Campus Ministry. I had asked her if she was going, but she said that she wasn't. She is from California and because of other circumstances, she won't be able to go home at all next summer, so she really wanted to have as much time at home as possible over winter break. Going to conference would mean coming East 2 weeks before she had to be here. Her name ended up in a drawing at one of our events last week, and when her name was read as the winner, she started crying. She said she had been praying about going, and that this is God's answer. She is sad about missing out on time with her family, but she is so ready to go to Florida! I had dinner with her yesterday and she told me a story: In the Bible Study she is in, they make a poster at the beginning of the year with a quote that they will try to live out all year. This year's ends with "God keeps you going." After winning free registration, she got a 'going' sticker and put it near her poster. She couldn't sleep the other night and started meditating on the quote, and this is what happened:
Praise God for answered prayers!

The second is just as amazing! A young man who none of us had met before won at an event we had earlier this year. He looked like someone who was just at the even to get points to put him in a better position for housing next year. He didn't partake in any of the small group discussion, basically keeping to himself and studying the whole time. When we called his name at the raffle, someone overheard him say an expletive. The missionaries assumed he was mad about going and was going to drag his feet. Well one of the male missionaries had a meeting with him last night and found out differently. Apparently he never wins anything, and when our team director said "and the person going to FL is..." he said his own name followed shortly by our TD announcing his name. Out came the expletive. He has also been wanting to go to Florida for a long time. My teammate asked him if the faith aspect was a deterrent  since we actually won't be seeing much of Florida. He responded that it wasn't. In fact, he is inviting at least 7 of his friends, who all are interested if they have some help fundraising! Praise God! Please keep these two and the other 98 students going to SEEK from Seton Hall University in your prayers.

In other news, two of my really good friends made the 12 hour trip from Belmont Abbey to come and visit me for their fall break! They got here last night around 2am and will be here until Sunday! I am so blessed to have such amazing friends!

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