Monday, May 28, 2012

The Life of an Optimist

I have officially survived the first day of class! Whew. It feels like I have already been here for weeks, but in reality I arrived a little over 48 hours ago. All of the missionaries were in the same talks today which centered around FOCUS's history, its mission, and what our actual job description is. The excitement of the day came early this morning when I, innocently enough, went to go say good morning to Jesus in the Chapel. Had 20 minutes before class started, so I was good. However...when I finished praying, I looked at the time and I had 3 minutes to get to a class room by myself and I wasn't positive I knew where it was. Good. Thank goodness Mary was watching out for me! I made it only a minute late, but boy was my adrenaline up for the rest of the morning!

One of the things that was stressed in class this morning was that our life as missionaries, as Catholics striving to do God's will, will be full of struggles. Kevin Cotter spoke to us about some specific struggles missionaries face that were sort of strange, or rather not a struggle you expected. You expect that you'll get stood up at your Bible Study and mentoring, but you may be surprised to find that team life is a struggle. You assume that fundraising will bring you to your knees before the Lord, but maybe not that you'll be in the chapel because the life of a missionary can sometimes be lonely. I'm sitting in the back diligently taking notes thinking "that will never happen to me - I'm made to be a missionary! I can handle it." Sure. I hope my mom is paying attention, because she'll probably get a phone call two weeks into the school year where she'll talk me down from yet another metaphorical ledge. And yet I am optimistic.

It's been such a wonderful experience being at training, but I know tomorrow will be hard. Tomorrow morning my mentor, and one of my closest friends the past two years, will go home to Nebraska. She is leaving FOCUS just as I am joining it. And although I am happy for her, I will be sad to see her go. She has been such a blessing in my life and I know I am a better person for having known her.

1 comment:

  1. No worries, I'll talk you down off any ledge. Love you. BTW email your mailing address.
