Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Day Four

I can't believe we have only been here for four and a half days. Hasn't it been at least 4 WEEKS?

You know the homily is going to be good when it starts with "I was in love with the most beautiful girl in the seventh grade". The literally five minute homily was one of the best I'd heard in a long time. The point was that we should be in indescribable awe that our King, God who cannot be contained, chooses to imprison himself in a thin wafer of bread in order to bring about our salvation. We should be like a seventh grade boy when the prettiest girl in the county deigns to speak to him.

In other news, we had women's rec night tonight. WOO! The women's colleges played a volleyball tournament. We lost in the first round, but it was to the Varsity Catholic team, so there's that. And we didn't even get shut out!

Last thought for the evening: it is rumored that we might hear our college placements/assignments tomorrow night. I doubt it because the regional and team directors have been working on these assignments night and day since they got here, but in the past it has been the first Thursday of training. Therefore, to anyone who wants to put in their request to the Man Upstairs, it might be time to storm the gates.

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