Monday, September 17, 2012

The Big City and Tye Dye

This weekend has been a flurry of events! On Friday we had our team trip into the city. It was so much fun! We got to walk through Times Square and explored the three levels of the M&M store. I'm not sure how, but I resisted the temptation to buy any M&Ms. It's truly a miracle. We had the opportunity to pray in three separate churches. First, we spent a few minutes in St. Francis of Assisi church right outside Penn Station. Then we spent went to Mass and said our holy hour in St. Patrick's Cathedral. Finally we got to see Padre Pio's glove at the San Gennaro Church in Little Italy. After praying through there, we wandered through the San Gennaro festival in Little Italy. There were so many people and vendors and cannolis! We also celebrated Caitlyn's 21st cheeseburger at Five Guys for lunch. Up until last September, my teammate thought she didn't like cheese. After trying bacon cheese fries, she realized she was mistaken and started keeping count of how many cheeseburgers she consumed in her lifetime. I have been privileged enough to have been there for numbers 19, 20, AND 21.

As a slight digression, a small explination is due. The links above all send you to pictures of the churches. You may be wondering why I didn't just put the pictures in the blog. Well, in the saga of my computer woes that have spanned years, my 2 year old laptop decided the motherboard didn't want to work. So I am writing this from my iPad, which is such a blessing. However I can't save pictures from the Internet into my iPad, therefore can't put them in the blog. But I can still link. The computer problem should be fixed soon, and pictures will once again find their way onto this page.

Then on Saturday, we had a women's night at our apartment. We made 2 things of brownies, a bag of cookies, and tons of popcorn. About 12 women came over. We Tye dyed and played an icebreaker type game involving paper and charades, ending with a movie. It was so awesome to just sit back and see people getting along with people they never would have even met if the missionaries weren't here. It is so beautiful the way God works. I was content to just sit back and see all the women laughing over tyedye and popcorn. I am truly blessed.

Finally, last night we had all of the student leaders over to our apartment for fellowship and rejuvenation in the mission of FOCUS on campus. Those nights are called Upper Room nights. The title comes from the beginning of Acts when the disciples all gathered together for strength and prayer after Jesus ascended to Heaven. The point is to be strengthened by each others' trials and successes. We have such an amazing group of student leaders! I am so inspired by them and excited to be able to share in their journey this year!

With all that excitement, my introverted side is asking, where did my weekend go? Welcome to Monday in the life of a missionary. :)

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