Monday, September 24, 2012

The Urgent and The Important

Time management. That's what I talked about this week in mentorship with one of the women I get the chance to walk with this year. She is involved in so many things, it's a miracle she has any time to breathe in her schedule. So we talked about making sure she gave time to FOCUS, but at the same time making me aware that she had other commitments. Basically, we are meant to live in moderation. Go figure. As I headed home and thought of all the things I have to and want to do, I was reminded to live my life in moderation. I had a slight mental breakdown recently as I had made a list at least 587 pages long of things that needed to get done in the hour I had between meeting with students and my team. I called my mentor in a panic, needing talked down from the proverbial ledge. (Side note, she is amazing!) She calmly asked about my list, all the things I had to do, and walked me through urgency and importance and ordering my time. Now I've heard this countless time from my mother, but it's different in a moment of sheer panic and stress. I'm sure my mom could point to a book by a brilliant life strategist about this all important life skill, but for now, I will share this website that has a very simple and easy explanation if you are looking for details. It was a very helpful call out to organize my time better and to live in moderation. As much as I would love to, I can't spend all my time in prayer, nor can I spend all my time talking to my friend across the street.

In a day in the life update, this past week we gave a scholarship to our conference in January to a guy at Seton Hall, Rashon, who was less than thrilled at being chosen. Please pray for him! We have these two great religious men who work with campus ministry:
Br. Andrew James (aka Br. AJ) - he plays the guitar and harmonica and never forgets anyone's name.

Fr. Gabriel Mary - he has such reverence on the altar and such a joyful spirit.
They are a part of the community of St. John and they are two incredibly holy men. Seton Hall is so blessed to have them. They do a program once a month called Philosophy Brew. It's a chance for people of all faiths and backgrounds to come and discuss some topic from a philosophical point of view. I didn't realize how much I missed learning and intellectual discussion until I was able to go to this evening of intellectual exchange. It was so incredible! Also, a freshman I met is going to teach me how to knit! We were laughing at ourselves in the check out line in Walmart with our knitting needles and yarn. How strange to see two young women knitting, but there we were. Yesterday I went with a student leader to NYC to go to the Met. It was incredible...and large. Very large. We had deep fried Oreos and waffles covered in Nutella. Overall, it was an amazing trip with an amazing woman.

Also, I watch Dr. Who. And the fall finale is coming up. And one of my favorite characters is leaving the show. I'm pretty convinced she's going to die or some other tragic, emotional departure. So I'm rereading the Hunger Games to feel better - wait, that has a sad ending too. Good. All that to say that I took time for myself this week, praise God.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Megan, I would love if you would come to my blog and be a guest writer. I don't have many followers and my blog is somewhat new. But I would love if you would pass by...
    -Sister Tracy
