Friday, June 29, 2012

The Beginning in the End

Today was the last day of New Staff Training.

The past week has been hard on everyone here. It seems sometime during week 5, everyone hits their wall. The wall that says, "I cannot smile, speak to, meet, hold the door open for, have coffee with, share a pew with one more person or I will explode. I need to leave NOW." I reached that point around lunchtime on Wednesday. I was over NST and just reallllly wanted to curl up on the comfy couch I know is waiting for me back home. Don't get me wrong, I have loved NST, and I know I will miss being here, but Saturday couldn't come soon enough. So this morning when I woke up, I steeled myself for the final classes, which happened to be about how to manage our finances as a missionary. Yippee. The most stimulating topic...(please tell me you caught a little of that sarcasm) Now it's not that I don't want to learn all of the information they gave us, but trying to explain company finances like taxes and policies, etc. to 150 people? It was difficult enough when I used to work at a law office and they explained it to me one on one. Then during the commissioning Mass, which was beautiful, I was too hot and started feeling sick again (still haven't been able to completely shake my nausea), and all I wanted to do was curl up in a ball and sleep for two weeks.

BUT I had told a friend I was going to go to this end-of-NST bbq at a missionary's parents' lake house an hour and a half away. I couldn't help thinking walking out of Mass how stupid that was of me and how much I wanted to back out. Jesus pokes and prods us where He can heal us, so I wound up in my friend's car and slept for entire ride to the house. The house was so beautiful! I'm no expert on estimation, but I'd say there were at least 100 missionaries playing lawn games in the sloping back yard, jumping off the 30ft. platform, and racing cardboard boats at this house. I had a wonderful conversation with my mentor, whom I will not see until the conference in January, over dinner. Then a good friend looked like she was about to leave, and I knew I had to get back to get rest for the drive tomorrow, so I asked to ride back with her. Thank you Holy Spirit.

I was able to catch a ride with them. Although I only knew her really well, I fit in well with their easy camaraderie. We spent the ride singing along with the country station, talking in English accents and giving each other massages. Seriously. I have been in cars with 4 other women before...that doesn't happen. Missionaries are so life giving, always sacrificing for the good of another. These truly were my sisters in Christ and we were washing each other's feet. It was so wonderful! The only downside? I now want to stay another week to get to know these other 3 women better. Of course. It's so easy to overlook these little blessings, so I'm trying to be more aware of God's hand in my life. Moments like the car ride home where my love tank was filled up and I remembered why I love my job are truly a gift from the Ultimate Giver. He is so good.

Even though the moment is going to be bittersweet, I am excited to see one of my good friends. The drive from IL to FL is a good 17 hours, so a friend in Atlanta offered to let me and the other woman riding with me stop at her place overnight. She and I became good friends last semester and I miss her like crazy. And talk about sacrificial love, she is always thinking of others! (She's the one who I talked about last week with honor) I can't wait to give her a huge hug and talk far too long into the night. Pray for her as she leaves Sunday morning as well to be a camp counselor!

These are my beautiful BAC friends...the one from Atlanta is the second from the right. I miss them (you) all so much!

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful group of girls. And all are dressed modestly while still being stylish.
