Saturday, June 2, 2012

Walmart and Wine

So someone posted a picture of my college from women's rec night! In case you were wondering why we all have matching red marks on our foreheads, it's because St. Rita was a stigmatist - she received the wound of one of the thorns from Jesus' crown of thorns.

Ah, Saturdays. Saturdays mean I get to sleep in until 9! Woohoo! I like Saturdays.

Started the day off with Mass, then a fellow missionary and I went on a journey to Walmart. I needed two things. Two. How many did I walk out with you ask? More than two. I am so not my father's daughter in that respect. My dad is very good about sticking to the list. Maybe it's the curse of the woman, but any store, no matter what they sell, screams SHOPPING OPPORTUNITY. So I found the nail polish remover and conditioner (yeah, I know - I thought I packed enough, but it has become apparent that that is NOT the case), the two things I needed...and then we wandered to find a sweatshirt  - after spending half an hour in the makeup isles - but we decided we wanted to share a bottle of wine. So then there was the dilemma of choosing the bottle (we ended up with a bottle of Moscato and Pino Noir). But then we realized we didn't have anything to drink them in, so a search for cups commenced. Then we realized we didn't have anything to OPEN the bottles. And there was our first mistake. On the way to search for a wine bottle opener (I don't have one, and it's a nice thing to have if you invite someone over for wine as a missionary. Already thinking in terms of my mission) we passed by the $5 movie bin. Mistake #2. For about 45 minutes we searched through practically every single DVD in that bin...let me tell you there are a lot of them. We probably would have walked away sooner, BUT we found Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers.

I am ashamed to admit, I have never seen or read the Lord of the Rings. I know, I know. One of my closest friends is probably the biggest LotR fans in the world, so it poses a real problem to our friendship. I've been trying to read/watch them for the past two years, but it just hasn't happened yet. Back at Walmart, I mentioned to my friend that I hadn't seen them, but if we found the first one in the bin, I would be willing to buy it. Mistake #3. That was when we decided to overturn the bin in our quest for The Fellowship of the Ring. After about 25 minutes where we were all over that bin, our things on the floor by our feet, I decided to go check the isles and see if the first installment was there. Lo and behold! I found the whole Trilogy for $13! Needless to say, I walked out of Walmart with The Trilogy of the Lord of the Rings, a wine bottle opener, a bottle of Beringer Moscato, nail polish remover, and conditioner.

After working for most of the afternoon, we rewarded ourselves with a glass of the Moscato and the first half of The Fellowship of the Ring (we were too tired to continue - isn't that sad?). It has been a very productive day.

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