Thursday, June 7, 2012

Scavenger Hunts and Testimonies

The more I get to know my college and my future team mates, the more God shows me how beautiful they are.

Last night we had women's rec again. It was a scavenger hunt within a 2 mile radius. Our two deans were at a station on campus, so they couldn't run with us, and one of the girls is currently at her graduation! This is why there are only five of us pictured. And the girl on the end, next to me, has a stress fracture, so she didn't do the hunt with us. So that leaves a total of four girls running across campus. At the beginning, they said to take this opportunity to grow closer as a college. I was thinking, right, we're going to be so focused on the hunt, we won't have time to talk! But I was pleasantly surprised that for the hour we were on the hunt, the stretches between the stations were filled with easy talk and bonding moments. 

One of the best things about the whole night was that there were two runners on our team, and I am most definitely NOT a runner, or really an exercise out of the pool kind of girl. So I was trying to keep up, but knew I couldn't make it. The other girls realized this, and they assured me saying we could walk whenever I needed to. It was a humbling and wonderful night: I would push myself as hard as I could, but I had to recognize when I couldn't run anymore and ask them to stop. And every single time they did, and no one rolled their eyes or even really thought twice about it. We would then stop and walk and chat some more. It was so nice to be a part of this kind of team and to witness true charity.

The picture above is of the girl missionaries going to Seton Hall! Our team director got us XL shirts (really, a wise decision on his part - no girl wants to get a shirt that's too small and be embarrassed to wear it) and my two female teammates decided to try and fit into one shirt...and they did! I'm not actually in the shirt, but am standing behind them. The more I get to know of them, the more excited I am to spend the next year with them.

Yesterday afternoon our team spent the afternoon sharing our testimonies with each other. It was really awesome to learn so much about my teammates in such a short span of time. Really, how else would you learn about some of the trials that have gotten people to where they are today in such a short amount of time if not in a testimony. I was in awe of some of the things my teammates shared and am so excited and honored to be serving with them.

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