Monday, June 11, 2012

Sobriety, Chastity, and Excellence

I was not feeling the best this weekend. Our crazy busy schedule threw my body for a loop, that plus the various germs floating around kept me in bed most of the weekend. My plan worked, however because this morning, I was able to get out of bed and go to classes. Made it all the way through the day, too! Praise Jesus!

Although I was sleeping the weekend away I heard about what went on at the men's and women's nights on Sunday. I can't help but brag about the awesomeness of the FOCUS men. Look at what our men did! They surrounded a pornography store, brought the monstrance with them, the real presence of Jesus Christ who is Lord inside, and prayed for the store to close and that the workers' would find new jobs. Why would they pray for a store to close in this economy? For the women. Ok, for the men, too. Basically they value the dignity of all human people. They hate to see women objectified and men tempted to stray from the path to happiness. And I'll be over here, on my dating fast, for a whole year. Right.

The women went to a panel on how to be a woman missionary on campus. Apparently, it was very helpful and practical. But I was overjoyed when I heard that Fr. James Brent came and gave a short presentation on the Angelic Warfare Confraternity, offering a chance to be inducted on Tuesday. I heard about the Confraternity through a friend who has close ties to the Dominican sisters in Nashville, TN. You can find more information about the Confraternity here, and I highly encourage you to! Basically, it is a group of men and women both in heaven and on earth who pray for each other daily and help each other with a specific virtue, in this case chastity. It's an amazing group and I can't wait to renew my dedication to the Confraternity and welcome in new brothers and sisters tomorrow!

Chastity is a big deal at FOCUS. It's part of the "big three": sobriety, chastity, and excellence. Every person asked into discipleship has to already display these characteristics, and promise to uphold them as an example on campus. This is true even more so for missionaries. We are expected to live according to these virtues. Now there are many other wonderful virtues FOCUS could have chosen as pride of place, but as these three are what college students struggle with most today, these are how we want to lead by example.

Today we had Fr. James (mentioned above) who, as a Dominican, studies a lot and therefore is smarter than a very large population of the world, come and teach us basically his entire semester course on reason and faith in a little under 5 hours. It. Was. AMAZING. Could have something to do with the fact that I'm a theology major...hmm. He gave us tough questions and oppositions that he, and other Catholics, has come across in his life and gave us very practical ways to counter these objections. I love that God is Truth and therefore, what I learn by faith can be double-checked, or defended. Honestly, it was one of the best classes we've had here so far. I cannot even begin to do it justice.

Lastly, a picture from our Corpus Christi procession Sunday morning after Mass. Look at all of those priests! So blessed.

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